Well, if the cookie sheet activities are my all time favorite, the Write-It cards come in a very, very close second. The Write-It cards are great for either small group instruction or as an independent activity for your literacy centers. The cards are ideal for working with specific phonics skills. Each packet contains between 30-52 colorful and engaging pictures. Simply copy the pdf on cardstock, laminate and bind together with a 1″ ring and you’re all set. Students write the letter(s) on the card with a dry erase marker. After they’re done, wipe the cards clean and they’re ready for use again. You can use these cards for years!
The Write It Phonics Cards are available through my online Teachers Pay Teachers store.
Write-It Phonics Cards for Beginning Sounds – TpT Store
Write-It Phonics Cards for Ending Sounds- TpT Store
Write-It Phonics Cards for Short Vowel Sounds- TpT Store
Write-It Phonics Cards for Consonant Digraphs- TpT Store
Write-It Phonics Cards for Consonant Blends- TpT Store
Write-It Phonics Cards for Magic e- TpT Store
Write-It Phonics Cards for R-Controlled Vowels- TpT Store
Write-It Phonics Cards for Vowel Teams- TpT Store
Wow, these are awesome! Can you make these with vowel digraphs?
I should have the long vowel sounds completed this summer 🙂